1. That the Society be called ‘The Pulborough Angling Society’.
2. That the Officers, Chairman and Secretary (who shall be entitled to
vote), who with up to twelve elected members shall form a Committee, all
of whom shall be elected annually and be eligible for re-election from
time to time. Any member of the committee absenting him or herself for
three consecutive Committee meetings shall forfeit their position on the
committee. In the event of a vacancy arising among the Officers of the
Society from any cause whatsoever, the Society at an Ordinary Meeting
shall have the power to fill such vacancy or vacancies until the next AGM
- Committee members/Officers MUST be current members of the club.
- When a Committee member/Officer ceases their role for any reason, all
club documents and club property must be returned within a mutually
agreed time scale.
3. That the meetings be called and held at the discretion of the Secretary
and start at 8pm. There will be a minimum of four meetings a year. In the
absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman will chair the meeting with
five to form a quorum.
4. The Committee shall have the right to expel any member who
contravenes rules of the Pulborough Angling Society and shall have the
right to reject any nominations for membership.
- All members are responsible for acquainting themselves with all club
rules. Ignorance of a rule or rule update will not be accepted as a
justification for a breach of rules. Breaking the rules risks losing your
membership. (Rule updates can be found on the website).
- The use of inappropriate or bad language that is likely to cause offence
to members, the general public and landowners, or any other action
deemed likely to bring the club into disrepute is strictly forbidden.
- Possession of Alcohol or Recreational drugs at club fisheries is strictly
- Audio/Visual equipment may be used only if earphones or headphones
are used.
5. That the Treasurer shall keep a correct account of all monies received,
payments made & prepare the Accounts to be presented at the AGM.
6. As decided each year at the AGM. The Committee may increase the
subscriptions by up to 20% without AGM approval. Subscriptions are due
from the first day of April each year.
7. The following close season dates apply to all our river sections and
Brinsbury Pond. No close seasons at Goose Green.
All course fish and Eels 15th March to 15th June inclusive.
Brown and Rainbow Trout 1st November to 2nd April inclusive.
Migratory Trout 1st November to 30th April inclusive.
Salmon 3rd October to 16 January inclusive.
8. That the prizes be distributed at the AGM or date fixed for that
purpose. Any member having won a prize and failing to attend on the
night of the distribution to receive it without bona fide reasons for
absence, to forfeit same.
9. Specimen fish may be weighed in, if caught from a Societies water
only. A member wishing to register the weight of a specimen fish shall
ensure that it is properly weighed & identified.
A medal will be presented for the heaviest specimen fish weighed in
between 1st January and 31st December annually, above these weights.
ROACH 2lb, BREAM 6lb 15oz, PIKE 18lb, CARP 20lb, PERCH 3lb, SEA
TROUT 6lb, CHUB 4lb,
DACE 10oz, TENCH 5lb, BARBEL 12lb 12oz, RUDD 1lb 0oz
If you catch a fish that qualifies, please send the details, together with a
photograph to -
10. Any person finding litter in the swim they intend to fish, must clear it
up prior to commencing fishing. Failure to do so will mean the loss of
your membership. The committee will consider appeals for reinstatement
of your membership.
11 The committee reserves the right to alter any rules as they may see fit
12. Alterations or additions may be made & agreed at normal committee
meetings in the interests of fish welfare & to protect the society waters &
membership. Any Constitutional changes must be approved at an AGM
or Special General Meeting with advance notice to be given before such
a meeting is called.
13 In addition to ALL sections under separate headings & individual
waters in the fisheries sections.
All Waters
The cutting down of any tree, sapling or shrub, the cutting or removal of
lilies, reeds or other aquatic fauna from any of our fisheries is strictly
prohibited, unless under the direct authorisation of the Fishery Manager,
Officer of the Society or Landlord.
- No Coarse fish or Eels may be removed from the Society’s waters.
- No BBQ’s or open fires on any of our waters.
- No more than 2 rods to be used per angler.
- Camping is NOT ALLOWED on any P.A.S. fishery.
- All leftover bait to be taken home & not thrown in at the end of the day.
Goose Green
- Fish caught at Goose Green must be returned to the same lake from
which they were caught. Access to the house bank of Heron Pond is
strictly prohibited unless authorised by an officer of the Society.
- Fishing at Goose Green is permitted from prepared & numbered pegs
- Boilies are allowed as hook baits ONLY.
- Braided lines are banned at our Goose Green complex.
- No carp to be retained in keepnets, except in official matches or for the
purposes of authorised fishery management.
- No live or dead baiting for Perch at Goose Green
- Only Barbless hooks may be used at Goose Green.
14. Unhooking mats are recommended for use at all our fisheries.
15. All Nets must be dried prior to use to minimise the risk of spreading
water-borne diseases.
- Fish may be kept in a keep net for a maximum of 5 hours.
- Separate keepnets are required for silver fish & carp when in official
- Individual fish weighing more than 10lbs may be retained in a keepnet
only if caught in a club match.
- Keepnets may be used at Goose Green for silver fish only, No Carp are
to be retained in nets whatsoever unless in a bona fide club match
- 50lb max per net, in matches anything over 50lb will count as 50lb only
- If the weight in any one net exceeds 60lb the net will not count.
16. The committee reserves the right to close any water at any time
without prior notice.
17. Dogs are not permitted on any of our fisheries. Assistance Dogs at
Goose Green only which must be kept on a lead at all times. Please
notify the Fishery Manager prior to fishing for an authorisation letter.
18. Night fishing is permitted at Goose Green, 24hr max.
Night fishing is also permitted on the river Arun at Stopham North bank
and North Greatham, River Adur at Stretham and White bridge. MAX
stay 48hr. Hassocks section max 36hr stay over one night.
19. As a condition of membership all members must have a current and
appropriate Environment Agency Rod Licence. The proof of membership